Stable ergodicity and Anosov flows

Authors: Keith Burns, Charles Pugh and Amie Wilkinson

We prove that the time-1 map of a C^2, volume-preserving Anosov flow on a compact 3-manifold, is stably ergodic if and only if the flow is not a (constant time) suspension of an Anosov diffeomorphism. In higher dimensions, we prove that the time one map is stably ergodic under the assumption that the strong stable and strong unstable foliations are not integrable.

This article has appeared in Topology 39 (2000), 149--159.

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Authors' addresses:
	Keith  Burns 
	Department of Mathematics
	Northwestern University
	Evanston, IL 60208-2730


        Charles Pugh
        Mathematics Department
        University of California
        Berkeley, CA 94720       
	Amie Wilkinson 
	Department of Mathematics
	Northwestern University
	Evanston, IL 60208-2730

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Click here for other preprints by Amie Wilkinson