On the ergodicity of partially hyperbolic systems

Authors: Keith Burns and Amie Wilkinson

Pugh and Shub have conjectured that essential accessibility implies ergodicity, for a C^2, partially hyperbolic, volume-preserving diffeomorphism. We prove this conjecture under a mild center bunching assumption, which is satsified by all partially hyperbolic systems with one dimensional center bundle.

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An earlier version of this work, which is less general (because it assumes dynamical coherence) but may be easier to digest is available in the following formats:

The research in this article was supported by National Science Foundation grants DMS-0100416 and DMS-0408704. Needless to say, any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Authors' addresses:
	Keith  Burns 
	Department of Mathematics
	Northwestern University
	Evanston, IL 60208-2730
	Amie Wilkinson 
	Department of Mathematics
	Northwestern University
	Evanston, IL 60208-2730

Click here for other preprints by Keith Burns

Click here for other preprints by Amie Wilkinson