Applications of weighted Laguerre transplantation theorems

Authors: George Gasper and Walter Trebels

Dedicated to Dick Askey on the occasion of his 65th birthday


As applications of the weighted transplantation theorems in Stempak and Trebels [On weighted transplantation and multipliers for Laguerre expansions, Math. Ann., 300 (1994), 203 - 219.] we consider (i) the characterization of one-dimensional Hermite multipliers via Laguerre multipliers, (ii) extension theorems for Laguerre multipliers in the spirit of Theorem 6.5 in Coifman and Weiss [Transference Methods is Analysis, CBMS No. 31, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1977.], and (iii) necessary conditions for Laguerre multipliers via backward differences.

Key words. Laguerre and Hermite multipliers, extension theorems, backward differences

AMS(MOS) subject classifications. Primary: 33C45, 42A45, 42C10; Secondary: 39A70

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